Monday, January 5, 2009

Professional Communication Series or Production and Operations Management

Professional Communication Series: Public Speaking, Student Edition

Author: McGraw Hill Irwin

The Professional Communication Series 1e—PUBLIC SPEAKING, Interviewing, Technical Communications, Multimedia Presentation Skills, and Managing Information in the Workplace are flexible modules that cover the important communication skills students will need for their careers. Each module consists of 192 pages presented in 10 chapters. Each includes the following features: Workplace Tips, Communication @ Work, self-assessment activities, chapter summaries, key terms, Ethics in Action, Technology Tips, Global Notes, Quotable Quips, and application exercises and checklists.Components of each module are Student Edition, Student Edition with CD-ROM, Instructor Resource Manual with CD-ROM (including ExamView Pro and PowerPoint), Distance Education through PageOut, and a Web site.

New interesting textbook: El Salto Radical: una Lección Personal en Mando Extremo

Production and Operations Management: An Applied Modern Approach

Author: Joseph S Martinich

In this new text, the author blends accessible coverage of quantitative methods with engaging qualitative topics. Meaningful examples clearly illustrate the logic and analytical thought process of modeling, and behavioral analysis is included in the use and implementation of analytical models. With a unique chapter of plant tours early in the book, students get a real-world, practical orientation throughout the text.
* "On the Job" boxes- profiles of people in professions outside of operations who use operations management concepts daily- demonstrate the importance of Operations management to non-majors.
* Quantitative and qualitative issues are fully integrated. Extended examples and real-world cases show students the range of analysis needed to manage, and how these tools are complementary rather than mutually exclusive.
* Four different Plant Tours- including both manufacturing and service operations- show students real production systems in action.
* "In Good Company" boxes demonstrate the importance of operations management in real companies.
* The coverage is state-of-the-art throughout, including Lean Production. Just-in-time production, EDI, concurrent engineering and cellular production. Sections on ecological implications are included in several chapters.


A text for an operations management course for nonmajors, focusing on real production systems in manufacturing and service, the strategic role of operations in organizations, and the rationale of various approaches in coverage of quantitative material. Features personnel and organization profiles, cases, chapter summaries, key formulas, worked examples, discussion and review questions, and problems and answers. For use in undergraduate and graduate business courses and in senior-level engineering management courses. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Table of Contents:
Ch. 1Production Systems and Operations Management5
Ch. 2Operations Strategy34
Ch. 3Tours of Operations71
Ch. 4Forecasting101
Ch. 5Product Design and Operations211
Ch. 6Capacity Planning and Facility Location250
Ch. 7Selecting the Process Structure and Technology325
Ch. 8Process Design and Facility Layout369
Ch. 9Waiting Lines426
Ch. 10Job Design, Work Methods, and Organization508
Ch. 11The Quality Management System560
Ch. 12Aggregate Planning622
Ch. 13Inventory Planning and Managing Materials with Independent Demands658
Ch. 14Managing Materials with Dependent Demands715
Ch. 15Just-in-Time, Lean, and Synchronous Production Systems750
Ch. 16Operations and Personnel Scheduling797
Ch. 17Project Planning and Scheduling838
Appendix AStandard Normal DistributionA1
Appendix BAnswers to Selected ProblemsA2
Photo CreditsPC-1
Company IndexCI-1
Name IndexNI-1
Subject IndexSI-1

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